Teman baik
Assalamualaikum wr. Wb
Hai good morning.
Here i will introduce friend or practicaly friends. He was named marisa, my close friend our high school.
I first met when we enrolled in a school SMAN 1 Sungai kunyit.
At that time i was waiting for my turn to submit a file to enroll in the school. When it was sitting beside me marisa. Marisa start the conversation first, very nice marisa invited to chat. She was beautiful and smart, at that time she did not use a veil. He is friendly and very sociable with other people. When grade i high school achievement i decreased and marisah is what helped me learn so that my achievement in creases. Even after our 3 grade high school, we dreamed we could go to college together. We are looking for informatian about free lectures or scholarships.
Alhamdulillah. We get information about free lecture programbat Tanjungpura University. Enrool in our University also together. Until finally we are accepted at Tanjungpura Pontianak university, but we are different faculty, because this what we rarely meet. Marisa likes his favorite music and food is meatballs. I am very fond at him like my own brothet. That's what i can say about my friend. Thank you.
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